Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Counting Down.

Today I paraded off to school in a fall-like outfit, trying to embody the excitement that comes from fallen leaves on florescent grass, and steaming apple cider (or tea in my case). Now looking at these pictures of me, I resemble a pumpkin patch...the brown pumpkins that are threatening to rot if not carved or baked into a pie, the black pumpkins ( or rotten mushy stuff it decomposes into, I guess compost?) that actually followed through with their threats, and the vibrant reddish, scarlet, burnt sienna, orange types of pumpkins that people leave for decoration on their porches and take pictures with annually. 
With this inspiration in mind and extra time this morning, I practically skipped off to school today in my awesome orange pants, Aldo booties and moto jacket. Because what else is there to do after Halloween then to hopefully sit and wait for Thanksgiving with a pumpkin spice latte in hand? 

Side Note: Who said orange didn't match anything??