Saturday, September 19, 2015

Where Were You? | Storytime

Hi guys! Here is a short story that I wrote randomly, while spinning around in my chair at my desk, and staring into the ceiling, and listening to random indie music that I don't recognize. I would really, really, really appreciate any feedback. This was really hard to publish, especially because I like to see writers on tumblr who pour their hearts out eloquently and here I am, still spelling words like 'rhythm' wrong (I spell checked that a few times and still misplaced the stupid y). 

Maybe I'll post these here instead of keep them away in random notebooks. 

This was based loosely on memories I have. But no, this never happened. I just took memories and ran with them. 

Thanks so much for reading! xx


  1. This is realy good! (Sorry I took like a year to comment on the actual post lol). You should definitely write more stories whenever you feel up to it.

    1. ABBY. YOU COMMENTED. YOU CAME HERE. Hi. Thanks for coming! Thanks, it means a lot to hear that from you. <3

    2. I DID OMG. <3

      I've actually looked at your blog a lot, I have it bookmarked & everything. I've just never commented before, sorry haha.
