Saturday, October 25, 2014

Welcome to a New Journey.

           Hi there. I'm Sarah. I just started this blog this morning, so I could

1. Share my love for fashion, literature, and other cultures
2. Try to practice my French skills
3. Show off my awesome photography and glorious writing skills
4. Stun you all with my stunning sarcasm and stunning self  ( I cringe as I type this)

          No but seriously, thanks for stopping by. I am a senior in high-school who is dying to do a million things at once, and in a frenzied moment of little thought made a YouTube channel.

Let me tell you, YouTube quickly takes over your life. As a student who also foolishly took too many advanced classes to handle, YouTube was not my best idea. Sooo I took to Blogger because I feel that I express myself way better in writing than I do onscreen. Also, while vlogging seems awesome, I feel that writing my thoughts out keeps me sane, and can be done anywhere.

In conclusion, I hope you guys stick around- I would love to make some friends on Blogger- and make yourselves at home.

                       merci, et à bientôt


  1. NOTICE ME SENPAI. Lol, but really, update frequently ok? I wanna hear what you gotta say :^)

  2. HAHAHAHA thanks Roya I promise to update a bunch
